Hand in hand with our sponsors and partners, the Xcalibur Foundation is dedicated to international cooperation projects for development, in order to promote and enhance the education and training of children, young people and women in vulnerable situations.

Through our projects, we hope to transmit personal and social values that promote healthy growth and emotional, mental and physical empowerment in the beneficiaries, their families and local communities. Some of these values are:

Uganda Dibujo niños



— Integrity

A fundamental aspect in an individual’s internal growth and development. It conveys essential principles such as honesty, transparency, loyalty, and respect for ourselves and for others.


— Self-esteem

A key indicator of health and wellbeing. The ability of being proud of ourselves, and to identify, recognise and build on our strengths. Treating ourselves with respect, and having compassion towards ourselves and others.


— Autonomy

The abilities and skills each individual has, and uses, in order to make their our own decisions, based on sensible and responsible analysis.


— Contribution

Nurture our sense of contribution to help others, especially those who need it most. Contribute to making the world a better, fairer and more caring place. Whoever gives the most, receives the most. 


— Health

Life’s most fundamental aspect, because without health, there is no life. Commit to the responsibility of helping the most disadvantaged, so that as many people as possible can enjoy something so basic and vital.


— Motivation

The essential engine that drives us to achieve goals and dreams. To be able to encourage, empower, and support all those people who, due to personal circumstances, have lost their motivation.

Niños corriendo Naguru Slum



— Respect

One of the values inherent in sport and education, and in the integral development of individuals. Inherent from the basis of teaching and coexistence with others.


— Equality

Sport makes us equal, it makes us understand and accept other people, respect them and love them for what they are. There are no barriers of race, religion, gender, identity, or belief.


— Commitment

Understood, within sport, as the personal and psychological desire, attitude, and decision to continue engaging in a sport on a regular basis,with an unwavering commitment to oneself, teammates, teachers, coaches, and family.


— Teamwork

Sharing, living together, learning from each other, collaborating with others, and doing my best for my teammates is something that sport carries in its DNA. One of the pillars of values-based education that most helps the children who practice it in their integration into society.


— Leadership

A natural process to develop and encourage in the educational process of the youngest children, both for the person who develops the role of leader and for the integration of the surrounding team. Educators and integrators act as a reference.


— Generosity

The ability of doing whatever it takes to help others. A principle that must be present in all educational and sport trainings and that coaches must keep in mind in their teaching bases.